Housing First
Securing housing first to provide individuals the opportunity to regain dignity and focus on recovery.
Homeward Pikes Peak provides permanent supportive housing program for individuals or families that struggle with mental health illness, substance abuse, and are chronically homeless. We believe in securing housing first to provide individuals the opportunity to regain dignity and focus on recovery. Our Housing First program provides Case Management for the client as well as additional supportive services to assist individuals to move toward self-sufficiency.
All potential clients must complete a VI-SPDAT (housing survey) to be eligible for HUD funded housing in Colorado Springs. Homeward Pikes Peak works with the Colorado Springs Continuum of Care through the Coordinated Entry System to identify participants who qualify for a Permanent Supportive Housing voucher. If Homeward Pikes Peak has a vacancy in one of our Permanent Supportive Housing vouchers, selection will be made based on participants with the highest vulnerability factors identified from the VI-SPDAT. Contact will be made to the selected participant where intake, further evaluation, and the administration of a voucher will occur.
Housing First is an evidence-based program that is supported by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Veteran Specific Housing
Homeward Pikes Peak is committed to providing housing for any Veteran struggling with disabilities and housing instability. We use the Housing First Model for Veterans as well.