Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Homeward Pikes Peak Colorado Springs


What does Homeward Pikes Peak do?

Homeward Pikes Peak creates opportunities for individuals and families to restore dignity through treatment and recovery programs, mental health services and providing housing first. We do this through sober living homes, supportive housing, a residential treatment center, and clinical programs. All of our programs offer case management to set our clients up for success.

How do I get assistance with housing?

All potential clients must complete a VI-SPDAT (housing survey) to be eligible for HUD-funded housing in Colorado Springs. Homeward Pikes Peak works with the Colorado Springs Continuum of Care through the Coordinated Entry System to identify participants who qualify for Permanent Supportive Housing. If Homeward Pikes Peak has a vacancy in one of our Permanent Supportive Housing programs, selection will be made based on participants with the highest vulnerability factors identified from the VI-SPDAT. Contact will be made to the selected participant where intake, further evaluation, and the administration of a voucher will occur.

You may complete a VI-SPDAT at Homeward Pikes Peak on Mondays between 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm. and Thursdays between 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm. Appointments are not required during these times. You may also visit Westside Cares, Catholic Charities, or The Place (youth only).

How do I enter a sober home?

Homeward Pikes Peak offers sober homes for both men and women.

Harbor House Men’s Sober Home accepts clients with a dual diagnosis, who are chronically homeless. We look for candidates who are motivated and employable. Entrants must be able to prove two weeks sobriety or be willing commit to urine analysis for two weeks. Please call us at (719) 473-5557 to be considered for this program.

Project Detour Women’s Sober Home accepts clients with a DHS reference or those on probation or parole. We look for candidates who are motivated, employable, and willing to do the work required by the program. Entrants must be able to provide two weeks sobriety before they can enter the program.

Do you offer hotel vouchers?

Homeward Pikes Peak does not offer hotel vouchers. We encourage those in need of immediate housing to go to the Springs Rescue Mission or RJ Montgomery Center.

What type of services does The Clinic offer?

The Homeward Pikes Peak Clinic offers the following treatment services:

  • Mom’s Recovery Treatment
  • Women’s Domestic Violence Recovery Group
  • Individual Counseling
  • After Care Support
  • Trauma Recovery Services
  • Early Recovery Support
  • Housing Support and Case Management
  • Women Specific Services

How do I make an appointment with The Clinic?

To make an appointment at the Homeward Pikes Peak Clinic, please call (719) 473-5557.

How are you funded?

Our funding is made up of grants from local, state and federal organizations, as well as local donors and partners. We welcome donations in support of Homeward Pikes Peak. Donate here »

How can I volunteer?

Our volunteer opportunities are growing, so please check back soon to learn how you can get involved.

Do you accept donations?

Yes, we appreciate many types of donations.

  • Household Good Donations: Many of our clients are establishing their first home in a while. Items such as small kitchen appliances, plate ware, glasses, and silverware are much needed. Our clients also frequently request cleaning supplies (disinfectant, toilet cleaner, etc).
  • Our mothers appreciate donations of diapers and baby formula.
  • Gift Card donations from general merchandise stores are also welcome (Target, Walmart).