The mission of HPP is to work with individuals and families in our community to achieve their full potential through supportive housing and recovery services, to rebuild dignity & self-sufficiency, and permanently exit homelessness. Our efforts focus on overcoming the barriers to developing and maintaining stable housing and sober living. To do this, we adhere to commonly held social work values of service, social justice, dignity and worth of the whole person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. We believe that these values infuse the work of HPP and are a guidepost to which our staff and partners should aspire. 


The Street Outreach Worker seeks to support individuals experiencing homelessness and/or living with a mental illness, substance abuse or all three. Outreach Workers perform within a harm reduction and person-centered model. All duties are performed with a multidisciplinary and multiagency team approach for those sheltered in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, encampments and on the streets. Street outreach utilizes a person-centered approach, focused on the individual’s strengths and resources, and never makes assumptions about what a person might need or want. The Outreach Team collaborates with city, fire and police, and other community-based agencies. Our Street Outreach team does not require individuals to enter emergency shelter or transitional housing as an interim step or prerequisite to accessing stable housing. However, street outreach does make immediate connections to emergency shelter or temporary housing to provide safe options while individuals and families are on a pathway toward stability. 

This is a full-time, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM position that reports to the Street Outreach Program Manager. Adjustments in daily assignments and schedules will be set with the Street Outreach Program Manager. 


  • Support individuals experiencing homelessness and living in the community through activities such as:
    • one-on-one contact with individuals on the streets and in emergency shelters; 
    • advocating on behalf of clients and/or supporting them to advocate for themselves; 
    • collaboration and coordination of services with appropriate community agencies. 
  • Provide resources and referrals to individuals experiencing homelessness and living in the community by liaising with community agencies and consulting with the Clinical Services and Homeward Pikes Peak housing team, and potentially other with community organizations as a part of the Continuum of Care. 
  • Ride along with the CSPD HOT team (Colorado Springs Police Department Homeless Outreach Team) approximately one day per week to conduct team outreach in community-based resource centers such as the Springs Rescue Mission, Catholic Charities, Pikes Peak Library District, and in public spaces. • Conduct the housing survey/VI-SPDAT as needed and record all encounters of people engaged in referrals, resource navigation and general information sharing. 
  • Work with the Pikes Peak Coordinated Entry system to connect individuals selected for housing and the referring agency. Assist these clients to complete paperwork, obtain identification and prepare for housing applications. 
  • Assist individuals seeking housing in acquiring resources, identification, completing applications, navigate housing options, connect with case managers and transition successfully into permanent housing. Utilizing temporary lodging in hotels if available with grants funds, diversion programs and /or utilizing partnerships. 
  • Develop and maintain excellent working relationships with HPP staff and community partners to identify and improve processes that enhance services and outcomes for clients. 
  • Maintain electronic records, reports, and statistics necessary for program management and evaluation. 
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Attend and participate in organizational staff meetings. 
  • Occasionally attend, participate or interact with donors or fundraising events. 
  • Produce documentation timely as requested for audits or other business requirements. 
  • Maintain work environment to professional standards. 



  • Ability to be responsive to the beliefs and practices, sexual orientations, disability statuses, age, gender identities, cultural preferences, and linguistic needs of all individuals. 
  • Ability to be flexible and empathetic. 
  • Skills in negotiating and mediating, particularly in sensitive situations. 
  • Able to work in diverse settings with diverse populations. 
  • Able to communicate effectively with a diverse population. 
  • Self-starter and ability to work independently with minimal supervision is required. 
  • Ability to maintain a Colorado Driver’s License in good standing and carry own car insurance. 
  • Able to pass pre-employment drug screening and automobile insurance carrier’s motor vehicle record investigation is mandatory. 


• Bachelor’s degree or in-process in Human Services, Criminal Justice, Social Work, Psychology, or Counseling preferred. 

• Special consideration will be given for those with addictions counseling training. 

Experience, competence, and sensitivity in working with persons who are homeless, especially those who have difficulty engaging in treatment, suffer from mental illness substance addiction or are otherwise impaired, is preferred.
• The ability to ride a bicycle outdoors to perform outreach is preferred.
• Fluency in Spanish is a plus but not required.
• Proficiency with Microsoft programs, database tools and HMIS preferred.